Saturday, May 14, 2011

The arrogance of the print media

Today's Star Tribune offers its second editorial on the state budget.  I understand that the issue of the budget is an important one, and certainly worthy of some comment by the Strib. I remain struck, however, at how far this paper actually goes.

A month ago the paper offered its own budget solution. The merits of its budget aside, I almost fell off of my chair laughing--why does the editorial board of the Strib think anyone gives a tinker's damn about how it thinks the budget crisis should be resolved?  I still haven't answered that question to my satisfaction.

So I had to chuckle when I saw the paper offer further comments today. Sure, offer your insightful opinions on the process, or the progress (or lack thereof) made by the Governor or legislature in piecing a budget together.  But, please, don't reveal your incredible arrogance by proferring your own budget for the state of Minnesota. Your efforts are better spent trying to figure out how to run a newspaper which actually makes money and doesn't suffer from dwindling circulation. 

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