Tuesday, September 14, 2010

farewell, Wolfie

My wife and children are dog lovers. I am more of a dog tolerator.

Yesterday, my parents put their dog Wolfie to sleep. He was old, fat, incontinent, and had difficulty walking and standing up. But, he was loved by my parents and all of their grandchildren--and I think that he knew that.  Perhaps that eased whatever pain he felt as his body slowly failed.

I accompanied my dad to the vet.  He was more shook up than I expected him to be.

My son Patrick was especially unhappy that I didn't give him the opportunity to say "good-bye" to Wolfie. He is the most sensitive of my four boys.

The boys knew my parents were sad and wanted to express their sympathies. After some deliberation on what to do, we agreed on the attached video.

My boys will miss Wolfie.

1 comment:

  1. That was one of the sweetest things! For a dog tolerator, you're a softie at heart!
