Monday, September 13, 2010

Minnesota elections, a mayor's view

Today it was announced that former Gov. Arne Carlson is endorsing Tom Horner (I) for governor.

That Governor Carlson has (again) abandoned the Republican party should come as no surprise. He seems to relish it. In fact, I think he should stop identifying as a Republican. Two general elections away from the party (he endorsed Obama in 2008) and you’re out in my book.

I don’t think Arne is a barometer for very much, if ever he was. But, I do think this is a good year for a strong third party candidate. I hear from many in the middle that they can’t bring themselves to vote for Dayton (D) or Emmer (R). But, does that mean that these people will, without more, vote for a third party candidate? No, because of the Theory of the Wasted Vote.

Those who actually bring themselves to the voting booth want to believe that they’re voting for a (possible) winner. Very few (read: Nader voters) want to use the ballot box to prove a point.

Thus, while the votes are there for the taking, Horner has to earn them. Can he? That’s the question.

1 comment:

  1. Caught me...i don't actually read full stories in the Star Tribune--not worth it.

    I guess Arne quit the GOP before I fired him from it.
