Saturday, October 9, 2010

Eden Prairie colors

No, I'm not talking about the marching band event or the changing of the leaves--I'm talking about campaign signs.  Signs are popping up everywhere and never have I seen such a wide variety of colors.  In addition to the usual blue and red, of various shades, I see purple, brown, yellow, green, and even one with a hint of orange.

And, in follow up to a post of a few weeks ago, today I saw two Mark Dayton signs in Eden Prairie.

Most people ignore campaign signs. I enjoy them.  I look at them as I drive down city streets, trying to see trends and patterns in sign placement.  Often all of the DFL or GOP signs are placed in the same yard. But, not always.  Sometimes I'll notice unusual patterns and I enjoy trying to guess at how the pattern was determined.

I remember four years ago when I ran for mayor I got a call in the last couple of weeks before the election from someone wanting a sign.  That was a rare treat as most of my sign locations were developed the hard way--by me asking at the door.

I drove to his house and had waited for five minutes in my car wondering if I was at the right house as the yard had a single sign in it--for Mike Hatch. 

He had a great location on Duck Lake Trail that I really wanted. I finally mustered up the courage to ring the bell.  Sure enough, it was the right house.  I introduced myself, shook his hand, thanked him, all the while hoping he would shed some light on why he decided to call.  He gave no hint.

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