Sunday, October 17, 2010

Horner for Governor?

Well, at least so says the Star Tribune.  Predictable endorsement if you've been following the Strib coverage of the governors race.

I've said before Horner seems a decent guy. But, I found the Strib endorsement lacking.  I've never been a big fan of the argument that (fill in the blank politician) will either "reach across the aisle" or "end gridlock," etc.  Not because I don't think those are laudable goals--I just think it's an easy sound bite which no one has really delivered on (or really tried for that matter).

I still remember all the soundbites from then-candidate Obama--e.g. "we are the change we've been waiting for."  Huh? But people lapped it up.

But, with the endorsement now in hand, let's see if Horner can grow in the polls. He's slipped a bit, to 14%. He'll need to be in the 20s, I think, pretty soon if he has any chance of winning this thing.

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